Support hours are a great way to shorten the time that you would normally put into a WordPress project on your own. Upon purchasing an allotted amount of credits, you will have that time at your disposal to use as you please in regards to our services. 1 service credit = 1 minute.
We will always provide you quoted hours prior to beginning your project, and you will be involved in the process every step of the way.
Support hours can be used for a number of services including:
- Adding content (text, photos, videos etc.)
- Graphic design
- Custom content writing services
- Custom wordpress plugin development
- WordPress theme customization
- Website migration
- WordPress website repairs
- WordPress training (screen-share session)
- Woocommerce training (screen-share session)
- Custom post types
- Custom post type page/archive templates
- WordPress installation and set-up
- cPanel help/training
- and more…